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September 25, 2022

Please help me. I am VERY confused on how increasing interest rates will lower inflation. It seems to me that increasing interest rates would also increase inflation.
For example, unless a farmer has the cash on hand for harvesting the crops, the farmer will need to borrow the money to pay for the fuel, equipment, extra labor, transportation to market and all the other essentials needed. If the interest rates are higher, the farmer’s cost will be higher and will need to demand more money for his crops in order to pay for the higher costs. Isn’t that inflationary?
Also, unless a manufacturer has the cash on hand to purchase the raw materials for production, the manufacturer will need to borrow the money, at higher interest rates, to purchase these materials. This will cause production cots to be higher and therefore the manufacturer will need to demand higher prices for the product to make a profit. Is that not inflationary?
If a consumer does not have the cash on hand to purchase a house or car or appliances, won’t that consumer need to borrow the money to pay for these items at higher interest rates, which will cause the payments to be higher? Isn’t that inflationary?
If raising interest rates to lower inflation will cause things to be more expensive, this seems to be counterproductive… Just saying.
It seems to me that raising interest rates to lower inflation will only benefit the banking system, and we all know how much they need the help in controlling the money supply.

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November 06, 2024
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June 25, 2024
Sean Parnell: Fake News, Dr Steve Turley: Biden CAUGHT, AMERICA First, Dan Bongino: Violence | EP1240

Sean Parnell: Fake News, Dr Steve Turley: Biden CAUGHT, AMERICA First, Dan Bongino: Violence | EP1240 - Highlights Begin 06/25/2024 8:00 PM EDST

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*** 8:42
Battleground/Sean Parnell 06/25 - Fake News in OVERDRIVE

Dr Steve Turley 06/25 - Biden GETS CAUGHT in DEEP FAKE as Trump STORMS Philly!!!

AMERICA First 06/25 - Another Young Girl's Blood on Joe Biden's Hands.

*** 3:40
Dan Bongino 06/25 - They're Preparing For Violence ...

June 24, 2024
Doug In Exile: MAN ON FIRE, Brighteon: anti-reality, Health Ranger Report, Wendy Bell Radio | EP1239

Doug In Exile: MAN ON FIRE, Brighteon: anti-reality, Health Ranger Report, Wendy Bell Radio | EP1239 - Highlights Begin 06/24/2024 8:00 PM EDST

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Doug In Exile 06/24 - Lt. Governor Mark Robinson Is A MAN ON FIRE For The Lord

Brighteon 06/24 - This is the biggest 'anti-reality' pursuit from the Biden admin yet: Riley Gaines

Health Ranger Report 06/24 - Why green energy keeps FAILING

Wendy Bell Radio 06/24 ...

December 12, 2024
AMERICA First w/Solomon, Bannons w/Rep. Chip Roy, Chicks On Right: Scandals, DeVory: Ukraine | EP1409 - Highlights Begin 12/12/2024 8:00 PM EST
November 27, 2024
AMERICA First: Terrorism, Anthony Brian Logan: Tesla, Dan Bongino: Coping, Wendy Bell: Liberals | EP1395 - Highlights Begin 11/27/2024 8:00 PM EST
November 25, 2024
Dr Steve Turley: Elon, Dan Bongino: Fight, DeVory Darkins: Joe Rogan MOCKS, Wendy Bell: New Hope | EP1393 - Highlights Begin 11/25/2024 8:00 PM EST
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