The adoption for our new family was final today.
This is a recording of my wife and me adopting the 3 children we have been fostering since 12/28/2018.
We now have 5 children ranging from age 2 to 10.
These kids are a great joy to our lives and an in depth part of our family.
We thank God for ALL our children and ask for his blessing throughout life.
Our in home family now consists of Yvonne (my wife), Simeon (son - age 10), Scarlett (daughter - age 9), AlenaMarie (daughter - age 4), Quentin (son - age 3) and EllaMae (daughter - age 2).
Please keep in touch with me... We an use all the support we can get Emoji
Love you all,
Dad, Pa Pa, Uncle John and other names that I do not care to share.
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